Recorded Title (Click to Play, Right-Click to Download) Length
2020 Farrukh Bari
05-01-2020 Jannah: The Escape from Sorrow
04-01-2020 Islahi Majlis – Karachi, 3rd Jan 2020
2019 Farrukh Bari
31-12-2019 Islahi Majlis – Karachi, 29th Dec 2019
15-12-2019 The Bara Tasbih – Dhikr of La Ilaha Illa Allah – Part 1
16-11-2019 Salawat on Blessed Prophet Muhammad
16-11-2019 Practicing Dhikr Reflectively
29-09-2019 Increasing our Obedience to Allah
23-09-2019 Deeper Meanings of Taqwa of the Heart
13-09-2019 Patient Perseverance
29-05-2019 Valuing the Final Days of Ramadan
20-05-2019 Takmeel e Quran Talk & Dua
17-05-2019 Humanity and Humililty in the Duas of the Blessed Prophets 08
17-05-2019 Gems of the Quran 11 – Selected Verses from Juz 6 – Part II
16-05-2019 Ramadan Reminder 05 – Valuing Ramadan Before it Ends – The Middle Ten Days
16-05-2019 Humanity and Humility of the Blessed Prophets 07 – Duas of Nabis Yusuf, Ayyub, Yunus (as)
16-05-2019 Gems of the Quran 10 – Selected Verses from Juz 6 – Part I
16-05-2019 Gems of the Quran 09 – Selected Verses from Juz 5 – Part II
16-05-2019 Gems of the Quran 08 – Selected Verses from Juz 5 – Part I
16-05-2019 Gems of the Quran 07 – Selected Verses from Juz 4 – Part II
16-05-2019 Humanity and Humility of the Blessed Prophets 06 – Duas of Nabi Ibrahim (as) Part 2
11-05-2019 Gems of the Quran 06 – Selected Verses from Juz 4 – Part I
11-05-2019 Humanity and Humility of the Blessed Prophets 05 – Duas of Nabi Ibrahim (as) Part 1
10-05-2019 Gems of the Quran 05 – Selected Verses from Juz 3 – Part II
10-05-2019 Ramadan Reminder 04 – Limited Days of Unlimited Mercy and Forgiveness
09-05-2019 Ramadan Reminder 03 – Charity
09-05-2019 Gems of the Quran 04 – Selected Verses from Juz 3 – Part I
09-05-2019 Humanity and Humility of the Blessed Prophets 04 – Duas of Nabi Nuh (as)
08-05-2019 Gems of the Quran – Selected Verses from Juz 2 – Part 2
08-05-2019 Humanity and Humility of the Blessed Prophets – Nabi Adam (as) and Nabi Nuh (as)
07-05-2019 Gems of the Quran – Selected Verses from Juz 2
07-05-2019 Humanity and Humility of the Blessed Prophets – Nabi Adam (as) Part 2
07-05-2019 Ramadan Reminder 02 – Empathy with the Poor
06-05-2019 Gems of the Quran – Selected Verses from Juz 1
06-05-2019 Humanity and Humility of the Blessed Prophets – Nabi Adam (as) Part 1
06-05-2019 Ramadan Reminder 01 – The Power and Blessings of Ramadan
04-05-2019 How to spend Ramadan
24-04-2019 Preparing for Ramadan
06-04-2019 Goals of Tazkiyah
18-01-2019 Starting on the path of Dhikr 108' 23"
2017 Farrukh Bari
25-05-2017 Maximising Ramadan: The Month of Change 32' 18"
13-04-2017 Limiting Dunya and Increasing our Passion for Deen 28' 33"
30-03-2017 Identifying our Spiritual Decline 37' 48"
23-03-2017 Doing Tazkiyah to Increase in our Relationship with Allah 27' 08"
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