Recorded Title (Click to Play, Right-Click to Download) Length
2018 Hamza Anwar
30-12-2018 Khawf (fear) and Raja’ (hope) 74' 59"
20-05-2018 Final Majlis – London Nafl I’tikaf [Majlis] 13' 41"
19-05-2018 4th Ramadan Night Majlis – London Nafl I’tikaf [Majlis] 38' 24"
18-05-2018 3rd Ramadan Night Majlis – London Nafl I’tikaf [Majlis] 30' 41"
08-04-2018 Communicating with Qur’an [English] 69' 53"
06-04-2018 Jumm’ah Talk 30' 11"
05-04-2018 Struggling in Deen & Dunya: Ikhlās 27' 44"
02-04-2018 Fikr for Death and Akhirah, Sabr and Shukr 40' 20"
01-04-2018 Having Sabr in Difficult Times 77' 08"
30-03-2018 Taqwa: The Core of Deen and Dhikr [Majlis] 74' 17"
23-03-2018 Different Types of Shukr 79' 08"
10-03-2018 Yearning for Our Rabb 55' 40"
09-03-2018 Developing Understanding of Fiqh and Seerah 65' 03"
18-01-2018 Islahi Majlis on Tazkiyah [Majlis] 59' 58"
18-01-2018 On How to Reach Out to the Innocent Victims of Zulm 34' 35"
13-01-2018 Completely Surrendering to Allah (swt) 85' 04"
05-01-2018 Servitude: Not to Become Angry with Allah (swt) during Testing Times 104' 55"
04-01-2018 True Path of Freedom: Following the Deen of Allah SWT 13' 10"
01-01-2018 Importance of ‘Aml along with ‘Ilm [Majlis] 74' 12"
2017 Hamza Anwar
30-12-2017 Completely Surrendering Yourself to Allah (swt) 85' 42"
10-12-2017 Practical Guidelines [Majlis] 60' 00''
30-11-2017 Koshish, Dua, and Talab 36' 09"
25-11-2017 Turning to Allah in difficult times 67' 53"
24-11-2017 Wings of Faith: Tawba and Taqwa 98' 02"
23-11-2017 Interacting with Quran – Workshop [Urdu] 92' 18"
19-11-2017 Fading of Time and Loss 65' 20"
09-11-2017 Purification of the Nafs 39' 53"
05-11-2017 The Role of the Individual in their Spiritual Purification & Development 42' 17"
05-11-2017 The ʿUlamā and Awliyā of Deoband – Dewsbury 85' 08"
04-11-2017 Using Methods of Dhikr to Get the Feelings of Dhikr 55' 18"
03-11-2017 M’arifat: To Know Allah ﷻ is to Obey Allah ﷻ 69' 14"
03-11-2017 Nifaq: Public Obedience, Private Disobedience 24' 06"
21-10-2017 Obedience to Allah ﷻ and His Prophet ﷺ 64' 29"
19-10-2017 Clarification & Explanation of Certain Concepts Pertaining to Tasawwuf 32' 25"
12-10-2017 Do not Worry, Do not be Sad 23' 35"
23-09-2017 No Expectations & Entitlements: Dreaming like Slaves of Allah swt [Majlis] 76' 27"
11-09-2017 Limited Effort, Unlimited Desire [Majlis] 55' 33"
10-09-2017 Duas from the Qur’an, Sunnah, Salaf and the Heart – II 119' 43"
10-09-2017 Duas from the Qur’an, Sunnah, Salaf and the Heart – I 81' 45"
09-09-2017 Millat-e-Ibrahim main say honay ka Maqsad 94' 17"
31-08-2017 Allah’s Mercy and Love (Day of ‘Arafah) 42' 33"
27-08-2017 Dhul Hijja’: Month to reconnect with Allah 77' 22"
24-08-2017 Maximizing 10 Nights (Dhul Hijja) – Leaving Rafas, Fusooq and Jidaal 32' 54"
13-07-2017 ‘Ujub, Riya, Kibr, and Takabbur 47' 29"
12-07-2017 Leaving Futile and Pointless Actions 59' 26"
11-07-2017 Acknowledging Sins, Repentance and Dua 57' 02"
10-07-2017 Concern for the Ummah 50' 26"
07-07-2017 Admitting our incompleteness 55' 15"
07-07-2017 Role of a father or an uncle 21' 58"
07-07-2017 Journey of Hajj 26' 45"
05-07-2017 Deen and Family Relations 46' 05"
04-07-2017 Anger and Jealousy 40' 34"
04-07-2017 General guidelines and raising our children 47' 55"
03-07-2017 We and our Nafs 46' 56"
02-07-2017 Having Talab After Ramadan 45' 00"
01-07-2017 Obedience and Love 44' 15"
30-06-2017 Humility versus ‘Ujub 60' 16"
30-06-2017 After Ramadan Ends 21' 58"
21-06-2017 Ramadan Naseehas – Day 4 28' 50"
19-06-2017 Ramadan Naseehas – Day 3 32' 27"
17-06-2017 Ramadan Naseehas – Day 2 30' 22"
15-06-2017 Ramadan Naseehas – Day 1 30' 40"
18-05-2017 Goals of Ramadan 39' 53"
06-05-2017 Preparing for Ramadhan (for women) 53' 13"
05-05-2017 Repentance and Spirituality: The Goals of Ramadan 58' 48"
30-04-2017 Workshop on Tazkiyah – Part 4 88' 44"
29-04-2017 Workshop on Tazkiyah – Part 3 76' 11"
29-04-2017 Workshop on Tazkiyah – Part 2 78' 14"
29-04-2017 Workshop on Tazkiyah – Part 1 68' 26"
29-04-2017 How to find Allah in modern times 61' 26"
28-04-2017 Bad Characteristics in Bad Times 49' 37"
23-04-2017 Anger and Envy 78' 22"
16-04-2017 Three Character Flaws in the Hearts of Successful People 116' 22"
06-04-2017 Coming Closer to Allah (swt) 72' 48"
18-03-2017 Fighting against Sins 39' 54"
18-03-2017 Weakened Yaqeen 54' 43"
17-03-2017 “Only” and “Also” 70' 51"
12-03-2017 Being the Ummah 55' 05"
18-02-2017 How to be Good with Others 74' 00"
11-02-2017 Leaving behind a legacy – Akhira’ focussed life [Majlis] 83' 19"
02-02-2017 Different Signs of Hypocrisy 33' 08"
29-01-2017 Junoon and Jazba for Deen [Majlis] 66' 41"
19-01-2017 Tazkiyah: Path of perfection for imperfect beings 26' 25"
14-01-2017 Being Talib of Hidayat [Majlis] 82' 38"
01-01-2017 Day 2 Afternoon Session – Annual Winter Course 2017 130' 34"
01-01-2017 Day 2 Morning Session – Annual Winter Course 2017 98' 21"
2016 Hamza Anwar
31-12-2016 Day 1 Afternoon Session – Annual Winter Course 2017 137' 51"
31-12-2016 Day 1 Morning Session – Annual Winter Course 2017 127' 50"
31-12-2016 Ishq-e-Rasool ﷺ 103' 10"
25-12-2016 Committing to our Deen: Becoming Steadfast on the Spiritual Path 102' 18"
24-12-2016 True Akhlaq: Compassion for the Ummah 92' 42"
22-12-2016 Increasing the drive for Deen 70' 05"
22-12-2016 Path of Tazkiyah is through ‘Amal 27' 50"
15-12-2016 Humility and Sincerity 30' 33"
08-12-2016 On Junaid Jamshed’s passing away 33' 33"
20-11-2016 Power of Being Alone 70' 24"
17-11-2016 Ikhlaas 29' 08"
10-11-2016 Sidq and Kizb 27' 32"
03-11-2016 Living like a stranger – Different methods of dhikr 37' 07"
03-11-2016 Chapter on Hope – Riyadh us-Saliheen 101' 48"
27-10-2016 Social and Community aspects of Tazkiyah 37' 19"
27-10-2016 Chapter on Fear – Riyadh us-Saliheen 85' 54"
22-10-2016 Having good Sohbat for Deen 62' 08"
20-10-2016 Power of Being Alone 39' 48"
20-10-2016 Being All Alone 81' 42"
13-10-2016 From Feelings to A’maal 31' 43"
29-09-2016 Aitaydaal (Balance) 35' 53"
25-09-2016 Letter to a Disciple – III | Slides: 117' 19"
22-09-2016 05 – Selected Chapters 76' 55"
22-09-2016 Value of Hajj and Haajji 17' 22"
21-09-2016 Hajj ka Safr 93' 19"
17-09-2016 Yaqeen: Certainty in Faith 107' 17"
08-09-2016 04 – Social Duties – Kindness and Charity 69' 37"
08-09-2016 Tapping into Barakaat of Dhulhajj 17' 28"
07-09-2016 03 – Inner and Outer Self – Regular Devotions 62' 30"
06-09-2016 02 – Intention – Vigilance 65' 39"
05-09-2016 01 – On Certainty 60' 50"
01-09-2016 Becoming from Mohsineen 37' 58"
28-08-2016 ‘Ujub – Conceit and Arrogance (Urdu) 38' 06"
25-08-2016 Alaa inna al-Dunya Mal’oonatun 34' 59"
06-08-2016 Hajj – The Journey of Love (Urdu) 89' 29"
05-07-2016 Kitab-ur-Rija’ – Gardens of the Righteous 52' 13"
04-07-2016 Baab-un-fi-Taqwa – Gardens of the Righteous 15' 24"
03-07-2016 Perfecting Our Salah 60' 57"
03-07-2016 Waldain Ke Adaab 8' 27"
03-07-2016 Tark-e-Fuzool 79' 44"
03-07-2016 Kitab-ul-Muraqbah – Gardens of the Righteous 37' 29"
02-07-2016 Kitab-us-Sabr II – Gardens of the Righteous 47' 10"
02-07-2016 Maizbani Ke Adaab 11' 31"
02-07-2016 Infinite Mercy Of Allah 44' 27"
02-07-2016 Tawbah 79' 13"
30-06-2016 Kitab-us-Sabr I – Gardens of the Righteous 38' 12"
29-06-2016 Blessings Of Dhikr
29-06-2016 Kitab-ut-Tauba III – Gardens of the Righteous 58' 25"
28-06-2016 Kitab-ut-Tauba II – Gardens of the Righteous 27' 23"
27-06-2016 Kitab-ut-Tauba I – Gardens of the Righteous 34' 43"
26-06-2016 What is I’tikaf: Opening Session 17' 59"
25-06-2016 Khatm-e-Quran Talk 35' 43"
24-06-2016 13 – Comprehensive Treatment for the Heart 33' 47"
23-06-2016 12 – Battling the Nafs: Envy (Hasad), Stinginess, Love for Praise 34' 38"
22-06-2016 11 – Obliviousness to Blessings – Ridiculing People 36' 42"
21-06-2016 10 – Displeasure With Blame – Antipathy Toward Death 43' 10"
20-06-2016 09 – Rancor (Ghill) – Pride and Arrogance 45' 46"
19-06-2016 Tafsir Surah Yusuf (Ramadan) 191' 07"
15-06-2016 Ma’arif-e-Behalvi – III 41' 28"
14-06-2016 Ma’arif-e-Behalvi – II 38' 11"
13-06-2016 Ma’arif-e-Behalvi – I 55' 01"
12-06-2016 Review and General guidelines for Seekers 46' 39"
11-06-2016 Qasd us-Sabeel – VI 52' 20"
10-06-2016 Qasd us-Sabeel – V 56' 21"
09-06-2016 Qasd us-Sabeel – IV 46' 02"
08-06-2016 Qasd us-Sabeel – III 48' 11"
07-06-2016 Qasd us-Sabeel – II 40' 46"
06-06-2016 Qasd us-Sabeel – I 69' 50"
05-06-2016 Surah Fatihah and Spiritual Feelings of Salah 99' 43"
02-06-2016 Tasawwuf and Ramadan – Ramadan for a Salik 38' 37"
29-05-2016 Preparing for Ramadan (Urdu) 90' 29"
26-05-2016 Tazkiyah – Role of Mashaykh and Salikeen in times of Fitnah 28' 36"
22-05-2016 Tafsir Surah Yusuf – II 131' 39"
22-05-2016 Tafsir Surah Yusuf – I 75' 48"
21-05-2016 Getting ready for Ramadan (On 15th Sha’ban) 70' 29"
20-05-2016 Love for Allah (swt) and Tasawwuf 61' 57"
18-05-2016 Step-by-step Taqwa: Patience, Perseverance and Connection 44' 44"
15-05-2016 Muhasabah – Being Watchful over Oneself 44' 42"
12-05-2016 Making Tauba tun Nasooh 27' 13"
01-05-2016 Letter to a Disciple – II 50' 00"
01-05-2016 Letter to a Disciple – I 85' 19"
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