Recorded Title (Click to Play, Right-Click to Download) Length
2018 Country England
08-04-2018 Communicating with Qur’an [English] 69' 53"
05-04-2018 Struggling in Deen & Dunya: Ikhlās 27' 44"
02-04-2018 Fikr for Death and Akhirah, Sabr and Shukr 40' 20"
01-04-2018 Having Sabr in Difficult Times 77' 08"
30-03-2018 Taqwa: The Core of Deen and Dhikr [Majlis] 74' 17"
2017 Country England
05-11-2017 The Role of the Individual in their Spiritual Purification & Development 42' 17"
05-11-2017 The ʿUlamā and Awliyā of Deoband – Dewsbury 85' 08"
04-11-2017 Using Methods of Dhikr to Get the Feelings of Dhikr 55' 18"
03-11-2017 M’arifat: To Know Allah ﷻ is to Obey Allah ﷻ 69' 14"
03-11-2017 Nifaq: Public Obedience, Private Disobedience 24' 06"
18-03-2017 Fighting against Sins 39' 54"
18-03-2017 Weakened Yaqeen 54' 43"
17-03-2017 “Only” and “Also” 70' 51"
12-03-2017 Being the Ummah 55' 05"
18-02-2017 How to be Good with Others 74' 00"
11-02-2017 Leaving behind a legacy – Akhira’ focussed life [Majlis] 83' 19"
29-01-2017 Junoon and Jazba for Deen [Majlis] 66' 41"
14-01-2017 Being Talib of Hidayat [Majlis] 82' 38"
2016 Country England
20-11-2016 Power of Being Alone 70' 24"
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