Recorded Title (Click to Play, Right-Click to Download) Length
2015 Country Online
17-09-2015 Majalis Of Tazkiyah In The Past 33' 27''
09-04-2015 Befriend The Friends Of Allah SWT 30'55''
19-02-2015 Living Our Worldly Lives According To Quran And Sunnah 31' 55''
22-01-2015 Having Hope 36' 24"
15-01-2015 Fighting Laziness 25' 20''
2014 Country Online
18-12-2014 Transforming Through Tazkiyah 28' 24''
04-12-2014 Turning To Allah SWT 39' 26''
27-11-2014 Developing A Passionate Relationship 28' 44''
29-05-2014 Shaaban: Training For Ramadan 37' 09"
22-05-2014 Safeguarding Our Nawafil 39' 04"
15-05-2014 Getting Out Of Spectator Mode 45' 13"
17-04-2014 The Time to Make Effort 26' 58"
03-04-2014 Fate and Allah’s Decree 26' 24"
27-03-2014 Love for Allah 44' 42"
27-02-2014 Tests of a Believer 28' 35"
20-02-2014 Patience and Gratefulness 38' 43"
13-02-2014 Love for the Auliyah 23' 17"
16-01-2014 Love for the Prophet SAW 38' 00"
2012 Country Online
20-09-2012 Living the Spirit of Hajj 29' 04"
13-09-2012 Maintaining the Ramadan Momentum – 2 28' 12"
23-02-2012 Perfecting Our Imbalanced Lives 33' 14"
23-02-2012 Difference Between Dhikr With Bayt And Without Bayt 4' 24"
05-01-2012 Five Obstacles Of Attaining Taqwa 40' 39"
2011 Country Online
24-11-2011 Dawaah by Addressing The Heart 25' 05"
10-11-2011 How To Feel The Feelings of Allah (swt) 34' 48"
20-10-2011 Hajj – The Journey of Love 40' 35"
08-09-2011 Maintaining The Momentum After Ramadan 51' 06"
28-07-2011 Special Features Of Ramadan 40' 34"
07-07-2011 The Spiritual and Emotional Feeling of Shukr 37' 12"
30-06-2011 Commentary of Sahih Muslim Hadith No. 6623 50' 52"
16-06-2011 Advice to the Youth 51' 46"
09-06-2011 Cutting Corners, Compromise and Slack For The Sake Of Nafs 49' 50"
02-06-2011 The Attribute of Sabr 51' 57"
26-05-2011 Nisbat with a Shaykh 47' 49"
2010 Country Online
22-07-2010 How To Spend Shaban 29' 18"
15-04-2010 Removing Imbalance from Our Lives 20' 44"
15-04-2010 Zikr of Specific Attribute of Allah for Specific Goal 3' 26"
15-04-2010 Our Share in the Attributes of Prophet SAW 1' 53"
15-04-2010 Ism-e-Zaat & Ism-e-Azam 4' 29"
15-04-2010 Are There Only 99 Names of Allah 1' 39"
08-04-2010 Please Explain The Quranic Ayah That Everything Makes Dhikr Of Allah 1' 33"
08-04-2010 Is It Nifaaq If I Find Myself To Be Weak In Trusting Allah 1' 47"
08-04-2010 What Is The Best Way To Save Ourselves From Our Carnal Desires 1' 37"
08-04-2010 Concept Of Asma Ul Husna 33' 46"
08-04-2010 What Is The Most Recommended Ibadat At The Time Of Tahajjud 2' 18"
01-04-2010 Difference Between Physical And Spiritual Heart 2' 51"
01-04-2010 Is Muraqabah The Only Way To Achieve Qalb Un Saleem 2' 35"
01-04-2010 03 – Purification Of The Heart – Hypocrisy Of The Heart 25' 12"
01-04-2010 Is Looking At Non-Mahram A Minor Or Major Sin 1' 25"
25-03-2010 02 – Purification Of The Heart – Dhikr As An Attibute Of The Heart 36' 24"
25-03-2010 Patching Up Family Ties 2' 12"
25-03-2010 How To Identify A Qalb Un Saleem 1' 18"
18-03-2010 Thoughts In Salah (Prayer) 3' 35"
18-03-2010 Durood And Salawaat In English 2' 56"
18-03-2010 01 – Purification Of The Heart – Introduction 30' 50"
11-03-2010 Commentary on the nasheed Dil-e-Maghmum 6' 50"
04-03-2010 What Is Meant When The Quran Says That It Is A Shifa (A Cure) For All Ailments 2' 16"
04-03-2010 Difference Between Salam, Salawat and Durood 1' 08"
04-03-2010 Deciphering Meanings of Quranic Words 2' 33"
04-03-2010 Best Dhikr and Best Durud 2' 07"
04-03-2010 Annihilating Our Desires 29' 41"
25-02-2010 Love for the Beloved Messenger 47' 36"
18-02-2010 The Heart 32' 36"
18-02-2010 Why Don’t we Cry Listening to the Quran 1' 56"
18-02-2010 Why did Kuffar of Makkah Refer to Quran as Magic 1' 01"
18-02-2010 How Much Muraqabah & Tilawat To Do Everyday 1' 02"
18-02-2010 Best English Translation of the Quran 3' 20"
11-02-2010 Accessing the Nur of Quran 30' 15"
04-02-2010 Vying Over Straightening Shaykh’s Shoes 1' 48"
04-02-2010 Dreaming About a Past Sin 1' 45"
04-02-2010 How Often Should One Contact Their Shaykh (Rabeta)? 4' 42"
04-02-2010 Striving to Become People of Effort 17' 17"
21-01-2010 Counsel and Advice (Naseehat) 41' 06"
07-01-2010 The Attribute of Ikhlaas 30' 33"
07-01-2010 How To Check If Heart Is Empty Of Ghairullah 1' 50"
07-01-2010 Easiest Way to Inculcate Ikhlaas 0' 55"
07-01-2010 Affinity With A Particular Ayah Of Quran 1' 56"
2009 Country Online
17-12-2009 What If Shaykh Is Too Busy To Do Correpondence 6' 20"
17-12-2009 What Does It Mean That Awliyah Never Sin 3' 10"
17-12-2009 Losing a Feeling After Gaining It 1' 17"
17-12-2009 Is Sinning Even Worse After Getting Taqwa 3' 29"
17-12-2009 How To Tell If One Has Benefited From Taking Bayah 2' 02"
17-12-2009 How to Not Spurn the Mercy of Allah 2' 01"
17-12-2009 How Does Salah Prevent Us From Sinning 1' 22"
17-12-2009 Fearing Allah In Some Areas And Sinning In Others 1' 58"
17-12-2009 Difference Between Khauf and Taqwa 0' 41"
17-12-2009 Celebrating New Year 2' 49"
17-12-2009 Benefits of Lunar Calendar 2' 14"
17-12-2009 What Is A Kamil Salah (Perfect Prayer) 2' 57"
10-12-2009 On Maintaining The Spiritual High 27' 48"
29-10-2009 What Types Of Ghaflat Creates A Black Spot On Our Hearts 2' 07"
29-10-2009 What To Do If We Lose Company Of Saliheen 4' 10"
29-10-2009 The Need To Increase Our Love For Allah 29' 07"
29-10-2009 Is Taqwa More Important Or Sohbat 3' 43"
29-10-2009 What Is The Need For Extra Acts When One is Already A Practicing Muslim 3' 17"
01-10-2009 When Will Nafs ul Mutmainnah Be Addressed In The Way Mentioned In Quran 1' 45"
01-10-2009 What To Do After Making Dua 2' 07"
01-10-2009 Is One Safe After Reaching Nafs e Mutmaina 2' 35"
01-10-2009 Is Collective Zikr Better Or Individual Zikr 1' 29"
01-10-2009 How To Save Yourself In A Non Muslim Country 3' 35"
01-10-2009 Can One Tell That They Experienced Laila tul Qadr 4' 23"
01-10-2009 The Path towards Nafs Ul Mutmainah 21' 08"
24-09-2009 Is It Okay To Desire Eid One Day Early 1' 47"
24-09-2009 How Can One Know For Sure That They Have Been Forgiven 3' 37"
24-09-2009 Final Seal On Taqwa: Disciplining The Nafs 15' 01"
24-09-2009 Six Fasts of Shawal And Other Sunnah Fasts 6' 15"
20-08-2009 Questions on Ramadan 13' 10"
20-08-2009 How To Spend Ramadan 20' 09"
08-06-2009 Laylatul Baraah And Spending Shaban 37' 58"
30-04-2009 The Sin Of Zinah 4' 14"
30-04-2009 Cutting Family Ties And Collective Tawbah (With Dua) 11' 52"
02-04-2009 Please Clarify The Practice of Uttering The Words of Repentance With A Shaykh 2' 29"
02-04-2009 Can Our Company Be A Hindrance To Leave Sin? 2' 24"
02-04-2009 What Is The Right Age For Children On This Path? 1' 59"
26-03-2009 Dhikr Without Desire 1' 36"
26-03-2009 How Does Someone Know He Has Reached The Stage Of Wilayat 1' 20"
23-03-2009 The Stumbling Salik 1' 32"
18-03-2009 Unjust Oppression 3' 52"
12-03-2009 Wilayat Of The Prophet (SAW) 27' 37"
12-03-2009 Can Women Be Tutored In Dhikr 3' 29"
12-03-2009 Adopting The Sunnah In The West 3' 28"
05-03-2009 Can Shaykh Recommend A Book On Tazkiyyah 0' 49"
26-02-2009 How Does One Diagnose & Eliminate Love For Name & Fame 2' 56"
26-02-2009 What Should We Focus On When We Are Thinking Of Allah (swt) 3' 50"
26-02-2009 How Can A Person Constantly Be In A State of Dhikr 2' 38"
26-02-2009 Where Could One Learn How To Do Dhikr 4' 14"
02-02-2009 The Basic Aspects of Dhikr 26' 15"
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