18-01-2019 |
Starting on the path of Dhikr
108' 23" |
30-12-2018 |
Khawf (fear) and Raja’ (hope)
74' 59" |
09-03-2018 |
Developing Understanding of Fiqh and Seerah
65' 03" |
10-12-2017 |
Practical Guidelines [Majlis]
60' 00'' |
25-11-2017 |
Turning to Allah in difficult times
67' 53" |
24-11-2017 |
Wings of Faith: Tawba and Taqwa
98' 02" |
23-11-2017 |
Interacting with Quran – Workshop [Urdu]
92' 18" |
25-05-2017 |
Maximising Ramadan: The Month of Change
32' 18" |
16-04-2017 |
Three Character Flaws in the Hearts of Successful People
116' 22" |
13-04-2017 |
Limiting Dunya and Increasing our Passion for Deen
28' 33" |
06-04-2017 |
Coming Closer to Allah (swt)
72' 48" |
30-03-2017 |
Identifying our Spiritual Decline
37' 48" |
25-12-2016 |
Committing to our Deen: Becoming Steadfast on the Spiritual Path
102' 18" |
24-12-2016 |
True Akhlaq: Compassion for the Ummah
92' 42" |
22-12-2016 |
Increasing the drive for Deen
70' 05" |
03-11-2016 |
Living like a stranger – Different methods of dhikr
37' 07" |
03-11-2016 |
Chapter on Hope – Riyadh us-Saliheen
101' 48" |
27-10-2016 |
Chapter on Fear – Riyadh us-Saliheen
85' 54" |
22-10-2016 |
Having good Sohbat for Deen
62' 08" |
25-09-2016 |
Letter to a Disciple – III | Slides: https://youtu.be/Dooksl-G8JM
117' 19" |
17-09-2016 |
Yaqeen: Certainty in Faith
107' 17" |
08-09-2016 |
04 – Social Duties – Kindness and Charity
69' 37" |
07-09-2016 |
03 – Inner and Outer Self – Regular Devotions
62' 30" |
06-09-2016 |
02 – Intention – Vigilance
65' 39" |
28-08-2016 |
‘Ujub – Conceit and Arrogance (Urdu)
38' 06" |
06-08-2016 |
Hajj – The Journey of Love (Urdu)
89' 29" |
04-07-2016 |
Baab-un-fi-Taqwa – Gardens of the Righteous
15' 24" |
03-07-2016 |
Kitab-ul-Muraqbah – Gardens of the Righteous
37' 29" |
30-06-2016 |
Kitab-us-Sabr I – Gardens of the Righteous
38' 12" |
29-06-2016 |
Kitab-ut-Tauba III – Gardens of the Righteous
58' 25" |
28-06-2016 |
Kitab-ut-Tauba II – Gardens of the Righteous
27' 23" |
27-06-2016 |
Kitab-ut-Tauba I – Gardens of the Righteous
34' 43" |
24-06-2016 |
13 – Comprehensive Treatment for the Heart
33' 47" |
23-06-2016 |
12 – Battling the Nafs: Envy (Hasad), Stinginess, Love for Praise
34' 38" |
22-06-2016 |
11 – Obliviousness to Blessings – Ridiculing People
36' 42" |
21-06-2016 |
10 – Displeasure With Blame – Antipathy Toward Death
43' 10" |
20-06-2016 |
09 – Rancor (Ghill) – Pride and Arrogance
45' 46" |
19-06-2016 |
Tafsir Surah Yusuf (Ramadan)
191' 07" |
12-06-2016 |
Review and General guidelines for Seekers
46' 39" |
05-06-2016 |
Surah Fatihah and Spiritual Feelings of Salah
99' 43" |
20-12-2015 |
Tawakkul: Trusting Allahs Plan
83' 11'' |
13-12-2015 |
Steps To Attaining The Qurb Of Allah
127' 41" |
07-06-2014 |
Blessings & Benefits of Ramadan
83' 02" |
26-01-2012 |
Islamic Concept of Humanity
60' 50" |